I have always used power point when doing a presentation, but recently I have learned to use a new and fun way to show information. This program is called Prezi. This programs allows the user to put as much information you want in any order you want anywhere on the screen. You can make your information big or small in font. Have it be slanted or even upside down when looking at the big picture. You may think how you would be able to read and get information from this process better then power point. When using Prezi you can pick the order of the information that you want to present. Once you’re ready it will zoom in on the information and make it the right way so you can read it. With that it gives a cool looking transition to each point of information. This process is a neat way to make the old way of power point look very dull and boring.
I know that I will be using this program in future classes here at school and also in my future classroom.
-Picture posted by Gideon Burton on Flickr.com