Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Ways to Show Information

I have always used power point when doing a presentation, but recently I have learned to use a new and fun way to show information.  This program is called Prezi.  This programs allows the user to put as much information you want in any order you want anywhere on the screen.  You can make your information big or small in font.  Have it be slanted or even upside down when looking at the big picture.  You may think how you would be able to read and get information from this process better then power point.  When using Prezi you can pick the order of the information that you want to present.  Once you’re ready it will zoom in on the information and make it the right way so you can read it.  With that it gives a cool looking transition to each point of information.  This process is a neat way to make the old way of power point look very dull and boring.  

I know that I will be using this program in future classes here at school and also in my future classroom. 

-Picture posted by Gideon Burton on

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Interactive Whiteboards

The use of interactive whiteboards, or smart boards, are becoming more prevalent in classroom settings today.  These boards are taking the place of chalkboards and whiteboards, and when used right can have many benefits for the classroom.  Smart boards and devises like it give teachers the tools to have their students have hands on experience with these boards many functions.  Some smart boards come with interactive tablets that let students write down information that will appear on the board.  Some also come with devices where students can answer polls and the board will post results instantly.  

These boards may sound amazing with all they can do, but are teachers being taught on how to use them and learn all the functions they can do?  For these to be more than any ordinary chalk board teachers are going to have to use the functions for interactivity or they could end up being just a waste of technology money.  These boards do not come that cheap and if teachers aren’t going to use the functions that chalk boards can’t give then why have them in the classroom?

-Picture posted by Mr. Jay Yohe at

Monday, November 15, 2010

IPhones in school? Good or Bad?

When I think back on my high school days I remember the policy about cell phone use in the classroom.  The policy said there was to be absolutely no cell phones or I Pods during school hours.  If caught using one the teacher would take the devices away and the student would not get it back till the end of the day.  But what if instead of prohibiting cell phones and devises like it we allowed them in the classroom and used them during lessons? In the link below is an article that talks about research that is being done where students are allowed and encouraged to use IPhones whenever they want.

This is a new time where students are used to having information at their fingertips.  So why should schools be banning these devises?  True, students may get distracted by texting classmates, but if the use of a phone during class is not against the rules then it may decline the appeal of trying to text.  The data from the article is very promising that the IPhones are very well used and have giving students a new way to learn. 

-Image used with permisson from iCLIPART for Schools  

Sunday, November 14, 2010

3D technology in the classroom.

Lately many movies have been coming out in 3D.   Along with new technology to allow yourself to view 3D movies in the comfort of your home.  But what if classrooms gained these 3D devices?  The start of research on this topic has begun and the results have been very good. 

3D activities can put the student right in the middle of the action, making attention to the activity to go up, and with this it may help students make connections to the material faster then watching a video in 2D.

The video above shows the start of the research being done with using 3D in the classrooms.  With some personal reactions from students and teachers about what they thought of the technology. 

The link below is an article that tells all about the research that is being done for the 3D technology.  I will be looking forward to seeing what come out of this research in the next few years.  The thought of having this technology in my classroom is very neat and it may save money in the long run.  Instead of having students dissect frogs every year, you can show a video in 3D of the same thing.  I feel it would be a fun and interactive way for students to learn and have me saying "I wish they had this when i was in school."

3D Technology Article 

-Image used with premission from  iCLIPART For Schools